"Fucking in Brussels" is the story of a young Eastern European immigrant, forced to emigrate to the European Union due to political instability in his home country. In his country he is threatened with arrest. In the EU, he faces the difficulties of integration, bureaucracy, and discrimination. As a result of this experience, he decides to use all the money left from the sale of his father's apartment and plans a political action. The protagonist moves to Brussels (the capital of the European Union), rents an apartment opposite to the European Parliament, installs the Grinder-app (Gay dating chat), and looks for "victims" among the members of the European Parliament, that will come to him for BDSM sessions. But the beginning of a romantic relationship threatens to contradict the original "mission".
The story of a woman-migrant who lives in the EU and owns a construction business. It is building a "new Europe" with the help of refugees from different countries.
Therefore, for her, any war is a time of profit, a time of new workers, whom she illegally brings from the borders of the European Union. Emma is the mother of courage of the 21st century. But to carry out her plans, she needs an assistant. At the gas station, she finds a young guy whom she tries to recruit. The young man begins to cooperate with Emma, brings refugees.
The guy loses his head on making money in the war and wants to open an agency. An agency that sells a tour to the war. He thinks that under the guise of humanitarian aid, he will be able to transport Europeans to countries where there is a war.
Emma ceases to control him, and she tries to dissuade him. Because she fell in love with this guy from the gas station.
In addition to Emma, Emma's son fell in love with the young man. Which parallels the plot lives its acceptance of the him female body.
A veteran of the Great Patriotic War, his granddaughter, a student, Belarusian emigrants in Poland, Independence Day parades, a failed wedding and a party on the Minsk Sea… The play draws into the whirlpool of "here and now", the space of modern Belarus, where amazing things happen.
"The house turns into a very complex psychological whole, a grid of streets with communist names covers tree leaves, parked cars, bus stops, school fences..."
DarkRoom - perfo-text. This is a play that is built on a documentary interview. The main character is a young man from Eastern Europe who lives in the Europe. On the one hand, it is a biographical history of a person. On the other hand, it is a journey through the Internet life of this hero. For me, the theme of “conservative defense” was important in this text. Since the main character is a gem who earns money through web-caming, but at the same time you protect all the money earned on the Internet in the fund to help democratize him country and help the victims of the regime.
"I think it's part of such, you know, a historical ecosystem or something. I heard that the Jews built Egyptian pyramids. Well, who built the Colosseum? Who built the European Parliament, the Belgians? I strongly doubt it. And now we are building a new Europe without European passports. We die from accidents. Pumping European shit out of the sewer. We choose European sperm in hotels. We cook food for European stomachs in hot and smelly kitchens, so that we can pump out the shit again."
The play combines digital elements related to The Sims 2 life simulation game and work on the author's family archive.
The main idea of the text is the inevitable programming of a family from Eastern Europe, where war becomes the main cheat code that controls generations.
During the expedition to the house of great-grandfather Mikita Ilyinchik examined documents, archives, household items left as an inheritance. And also the house itself, in the logs of which there are still fragments from the German air raid on the village.
The cycle of inevitability is the main idea of the text, which is processed through the digitalization of modernity.
The idea of writing the text arose after a trip to the Polish-Belarusian border, where the author of the text found documents and personal belongings of migrants who have been trying to cross the European border since 2021. The documents inspired the creation of an interdisciplinary text on the future of Europe. The text thus includes a documentary investigation related to the humanitarian crisis/hybrid war on the European border and a utopian reflection on the theme of European responsibility for the deaths of migrants.
The time period of the text is 2050, and instead of the EU there is a Euro-Islamic Union comprising 36 Euro-Islamic caliphate countries. The ruling fem-jihad party organizes the National Institute of Genocide of the Arab People, under which the trials of the participants of the humanitarian crisis are held: the Belarusian director of a tourist firm, who worked for Lukashenko and "brought" migrants to the border and a European border guard, who "protected" his homeland from illegal refugees. The trial is built on documentary evidence.
The text uses a digital model to recreate the victim hero, a 28-year-old migrant from Northern Kurdistan who died at the border. Thus, through the digitization of the found documents, phone, ticket, passport of the Kurd - we have a complete picture of his movements, and the last days of his life.
The text aims to raise pressing questions for the European public on the topic of migration, acceptance of migration, neglect, and Europe's legal crisis.